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Unleashing the True Meaning of Health and Tasting the Natural Goodness of Wine

2023-06-21 16:02:27    来源:www.bvrcn.com Brand Value Network

Tasting Moldovan Wine on the Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated every year on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar and is one of our most important traditional festivals. During the Dragon Boat Festival, families eat zongzi, knot colourful ropes, drink realgar wine and hold dragon boat races, among other customs. Now there is also a new option to taste premium wines made naturally in Moldova, which bring more positive factors of health and coincide with the tradition of praying for well-being during the Dragon Boat Festival.


Chinese tradition holds that around the Dragon Boat Festival the weather starts to turn hot and poisonous insects appear, so drinking realgar wine and hanging mugwort will keep the insects away, while knotting colourful ropes will bring good luck. The wine made from grapes has natural healthy benefits, and consumption in moderation is not only soothing but also has positive effects.


In Western cultural contexts, red wine is seen as the blood of God and is seen as part of life by everyone from the aristocracy to the common man. It is believed that there are mystical powers in red wine and seems to hint at the importance of red wine for health. With increasing international interaction, red wine has also become a rising star in social culture and is being enjoyed by an increasing number of young people. During holidays, people always want to get together and often catch up with friends, and a few glasses of red wine can make such gatherings a joyful experience, while people can also seek the true meaning of health and savour the natural goodness of the wine.

In Chinese tradition, drinking wine to avoid epidemics is an experience handed down from ancient times. As early as a thousand years ago in the Tang Dynasty, Sun Simiao, the King of Medicine, said, "If one person drinks, the whole family will be free of epidemics; if a family drinks, a mile will be free of epidemics". The traditional Chinese character for "doctor" (醫) includes the component for "wine" (酉), reflecting the historical connection between medicine and alcohol culture. The main raw material of red wine is grapes, which are transformed by microorganisms to produce not only a unique taste, but also a variety of active substances that are beneficial to the body in many ways.


Modern research has found that the most important active ingredients in red wine are polyphenols, such as anthocyanins, flavanols and resveratrol, which are reductive in nature and can effectively remove harmful factors from the body and keep it healthy. Red wine can protect nerve cells, inhibit stress damage in the brain and reduce the probability of central nervous disease; red wine has a role in protecting cardiovascular tissue and reducing damage to the heart; in addition, the antioxidant components in red wine can effectively eliminate free radicals, resist oxidation and slow down cellular ageing.

Thanks to its positive effects on health, red wine can be a drink that fits in with modern consumer attitudes and allows us to enjoy holidays while being healthy. The Dragon Boat Festival is the time to eat zongzi, and studies have found that red wine can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, bile and pancreatic juice, enhance the function of the digestive system and promote nutrient absorption, so it can be said that zongzi with red wine is a good set of partners.


Milestii Mici Praise Merlot represents the country's commitment to the world brand status of Moldova's national red wine. Milestii Mici Praise Merlot is made from the Merlot grape, which is known as the king of grapes, and is grown on the winery's unique terroir. The Merlot is a wine with a unique terroir that allows it to develop its characteristics to the fullest. The wine is selected, pressed, fermented, matured and aged to produce a ruby red colour, with elegant and complex flavours of rich black fruit and almond, with notes of coffee and orange peel, rounded tannins and a rich, long finish.

Wish you peace and health on the Dragon Boat Festival




For more information:

ZIMMERLI, a Century-old Swiss Luxury Underwear Brand, Joined Hands with Moldovan Top Brand Wines in Huafuhui at Royal Park(PC Terminal/APP Terminal

Proud of Being the Top Quality and Trustworthy Wine in the World(PC Terminal/APP Terminal

Leader to Release the World Pure Wine, Admiring the Cultural Deposits of the Melodious World Red Wine(PC Terminal/APP Terminal

Releasing the Silent and Pure Wine, Promise and Honor Moldova Holds(PC Terminal/APP Terminal

Expanding the Healthy Benefits of Red Wine(PC Terminal/APP Terminal

Sowing the Seeds of Hope, Releasing the Original Wine Aroma, Regarding the Branded Red Wine Worldwide Proudly(PC Terminal/APP Terminal

www.bvrcn.com  Brand Value Network









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